Our Story...

Windwood: Where Art Meets Sustainability
At Windwood, our journey begins with a simple yet profound commitment: to blend the 
artistry of woodcarving with the principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship. 
Nestled in the heart of innovation and green technology, Windwood emerges not just as a brand, 
but as a testament to the beauty of upcycling and the transformative power of art.

Our Origin
Inspired by the majestic wind turbines dotting landscapes and powering the future, Windwood takes its name from an unexpected source—the very essence of nature's strength and renewal. Our materials, upcycled wood from the shipping crates of wind turbine components, carry stories of resilience and innovation. These crates, once protective vessels for the raw materials of green energy, embark on a new journey under the skilled hands of our artisans.

The Art of Upcycling
At the core of Windwood's ethos is upcycling—a process we embrace not only for its environmental benefits but for the unique challenges and opportunities it presents to our craft. Each piece of reclaimed wood, marked by its journey through the realms of renewable energy, offers a distinct canvas for our carvings. Our artisans, guided by years of experience and a passion for their art, delve into the character of each piece, uncovering its hidden beauty and potential.

A Commitment to Sustainability
In transforming these remnants of renewable energy infrastructure into intricate decorative carvings, Windwood stands at the intersection of art and sustainability. Our process significantly reduces the weight of materials returned to recycling facilities, embodying our commitment to the green economy and the minimization of waste. By choosing Windwood, our customers not only bring a piece of art into their homes but also contribute to a cycle of sustainability that extends beyond the conventional.

Beyond the Carving
Windwood's vision transcends the creation of woodcarvings. It's about forging a connection between the consumer and the journey of the material—from supporting the infrastructure of renewable energy to becoming a cherished piece of art. Each carving carries with it a narrative of transformation, a symbol of what can be achieved when we view waste not as an endpoint but as the beginning of something beautiful.

Join Our Journey
As you consider bringing a piece of Windwood into your life, know that you are not just purchasing a carving. You are supporting a movement towards a more sustainable future, where art and environmental responsibility go hand in hand. Our creations are not just objects of beauty; they are beacons of hope for a greener tomorrow. Welcome to Windwood—where every carving tells a story of renewal, innovation, and the enduring beauty of nature.

Embrace the art of sustainability
with Windwood...

Read the founder's story